Myrtle x Mongke....not very flattering conformations, the bitch on the right the better. They lacked the spark, stamp and working abilities I was looking for.

Unfortunately, in searching for new blood from an old English Springer line, I was under the illusion or rather I romanced there would be enough old gene pool still in it to work from. Growing up as pups they didn't seem too bad, even if a bit cloddy. They certainly didn't have the snipey heads and short legs of the field trial strains. They were quite biddable, trainable in a not too manic way. They developed though to be not particularly athletic or motivated with retarded prey drive and instinct. The working had been bred out for show traits, selectively breeding for excessive fur and loose skin to simulate a well developed and rounded chest, extra long ears and feathering. This disappointing litter with Myrtle and Monkee proved there was going to be a lot of work to be done with this springer blood. Cloddy, ungainly and a somewhat poor conformation convinced me to go no further down this path.

So a fresh concept of a splash of wirehair pointer for the coat and Brittany blood for the bobtail is the direction I am to pursue. The challenge is in being able to breed back a uniform conformation with strong bone, wide chest and head, at the same time keeping the height/range down a bit as I found that as glorious and useful dogs such as Dolly and Herbert are, they cover the ground too fast like an English pointer, andneed excessive whistle control to keep them within gunshot range, for my style of shooting. 

Khan x Rabbit.... Herco
Fennel x Digby...Juno

Juno x Herco....Roma 4th gen1/4 English pointer outcross

 Moppet x Rufus Ranauk 1/2wire hair out cross

Ranauk x Roma Ogedei Khan 5th generation pup, 17/4/2021. 3/16 English pointer, 1/32 Brittany, 1/4 wirehair. Medium heavy stocky like Ranauk, short coat, bobtail. Bold, good retrieving and foot scent. Ogedei has been used to outcross with a liver and white American Brittany, the selected offspring below.

Lotty AKC Brittany x Ogedei....Reid 2022 Outcross to breed to Mantu 

Juno x Kublai.....Herbert, 4th Gen 1/4 English pointer, 1/8th Brittany 30/3/18.

Long bodied and limbed, proving to be an excellent worker, near perfect lines. Herbert was put over a lemon American Brittany to produce great working instincts out cross pups below. These pups will go one to be blended with the wirehaired lines. 

Lola AKC Britanny x Herbert....Kotan Feb2023. Working to the gun at 10mths, impressive with strong pointing, retrieving instinct, good responsive quartering. 

Reid x Mantu....Jager Dec 2023(1/4 AKC Brittany, 1/4 wire)bobtail, short coarse coat. Quite small, neat, coarse haired. Somewhat of a dramatic character, does everything in an amusing exaggerated expression, style and speed. Love the enthusiasm...just calm down a bit! Hunts, quarters, points and retrieves well at 12mths. 

Digby (Full English pointer)was put to Tarn below, our bob tail Brittany.

Tarn French Brittany

Tarn x Digby....Dexter (Bobtail)out cross
Beth x Digby....Maya (30/3/2013) Shorter backed than hoped for but prolific drive, game finder, excellent point and retrieve.
Maya x Dexter...Kublai Khan(bobtail) 1/2 English pointer, 1/4 Britany outcross
Holly x Khan...Myrtle 2nd Gen
Myrtle x Kublai.....Moppet, 4th Gen 1/4 English pointer, 1/8th Brittany 7/4/2018. More compact and lighter boned than hoped for, but excellent pointing, retrieving with Springer drive. 
Moppet x Rufus....  Zalla 12/10/19 bobtail female. Intelligent and biddable, strong pointing, retrieving instincts and high spaniel like drive, good, natural quartering style. Dense under coat with a springer length lay flat wire overcoat proving excellent weather and heavy cover protection. 

Zala x Herbert....Mantu.  Feb2023Nicely built, medium, lay flat wire, bobtail. Working to the gun at 10mths. Good retrieving and responsive quartering, a little reluctant to full point at the moment.

Zala x Moss ESS....Raven 20211/2 field trial English springer 1/4 wire. Outcross 

Raven x Ogedei....Charbryn May 2023 medium size, sturdy build, shortish, layflat, thick coarse coat.  Strong pointing and retrieving instinct, good quartering, responsive style. Very enthusiastic, determined working drive.