The Fenspaniel is a smaller, more compact, wire coated, bobtailed English springer spaniel type, developed for beating/brushing and rough shooting using Fenlander Mantu. 

Moss ESS from Badgercourt/Rytex lines was crossed with a busy, somewhat neurotic field trial bitch

After several attempts to find or breed a springer that I am happy with both physically and mentally, I found Moss who physically was one of the best I've seen in decades but mentally was somewhat inhibited, repressed, timorous and hesitant. I put him to one of those daft, mad ball, field trial bitches. The whole litter seemed to genetically have clicked well, with dogs and bitches physically proportioned well, none of the low slungness from the mother's side. They all had decent size and shape heads too. Dee Dee, not huge but neatly built, athletic, responsive, energetic and biddable. At two years she has become good, reliable little beating dog. 


  Zala x Herbert   Mantu 2023 Medium size Fenlander 

Zala x Herbert....Bryn 2023. Small, lighter built Fenlander 

Dee Dee x Bryn.....Quill Bob tail4/6/2023 Fenspaniel Not much bigger than the mother showing great promise as a beating dog, working like a Springer. Retrieves and delivers nice and politely. 

Dee Dee x Bryn.....Alakhai bob tail4/6/2023 Fenspaniel Springer size, enthusiastic working, again polite retrieving and delivery. 

Mantu x Dee Dee   Lucca(right)2024 Promising, intelligent easy to train and biddable like the others